AI Impact: Finance, Insurance and IT Most Exposed

Image credits: Steve Johnson / Unsplash

The future is here, and it's brought Artificial Intelligence (AI) with it! The UK Department of Education has been peeking into the crystal ball of AI, and it seems finance, insurance and IT are in the hot seat.

According to their research, 10-30% of jobs could be automated, with AI potentially boosting productivity and birthing new high-value jobs. But it's not all rosy; some industries are more exposed to this AI revolution than others.

Finance and insurance are leading the pack, with a large number of finance and clerical roles having high AI exposure scores. IT isn't far behind, and other sectors like property, public administration, defence, and education are also in the firing line.

On the flip side, accommodation and food services, motor trades, agriculture, forestry, fishing, transport and storage, and construction are less exposed. It seems AI isn't quite ready to whip up your favourite meal or build your dream home just yet!

Geographically, London and the South East are the most exposed areas, thanks to a higher proportion of professional occupations like programmers, financial managers, and IT professionals. The North East, on the other hand, is the least exposed area across the UK.

So, what does this mean for our property professionals and business owners? Well, it's time to embrace the AI revolution, adapt and ensure we have the skills to make the most of the potential benefits AI will bring. After all, the future is here, and it's artificially intelligent!

LINK TO RESEARCH BELOW: GOV.UK Impact of AI on UK jobs and training (


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